The sister of Kenneth Bae, who is currently imprisoned in North Korea, said that she is worried that Dennis Rodman's antics and ignorance will her hurt brothers chances of being freed.

On Tuesday during an interview with CNN, the former basketball player almost made it sound like he was siding with North Korea's decision to jail Bae. "Kenneth Bae did one thing ... if you understand what Kenneth Bae did," Rodman said before losing grip and going off the rails.

Terri Chung wasn't very happy with Rodman's implications and said he has little clue about anything going on, reports The Associated Press. "Clearly, he's uninformed and doesn't know anything about Kenneth or his detainment. I don't think he has any authority to speak or pass judgment on Kenneth certainly."

Bae's sister noted that her family has tried to reach out to Rodman and his agent, but neither has gotten in contact with them and Chung is worried that what he's doing "is hurting the cause."

North Korea has accused Bae of committing crimes against the state and arrested him back in November 2012. The country sentenced the 45-year-old to 15 years hard labor, though he has since been moved to a hospital as he is supposedly in poor health.

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