It is often difficult to keep up with all the news, especially about health. What’s good for you, what’s not? It seems like it is always changing!
This week in health we found out that vitamin D may be a huge waste of money. Plan B, also known as the morning after pill, may lose its effectiveness if you are overweight. There are new guidelines for what determines a child to be autistic. If you really want to lose fat, you should stay cold and they finally found the key to a longer life!
So, kick back and relax, here’s what you missed this week in health.
1. The Beatles lied because, as a new study has shown, happiness is all you need! To live a longer life, that is. A study conducted by the University College London found that older people who are happier and seem to enjoy life more also show slower declines both mentally and physically. This will prove that the enjoyment of life is completely relevant to future disability and mobility.
To find out more visit TheCelebrityCafe.
2. A new study has shown that sitting around too much could lead to heart failure. All that kicking back and relaxing may not be so good for you after all. Researchers took data from 84,000 men and recorded the amount of time they spent sitting each day and found a correlation between the amount of time spent sitting and risk of heart failure. Researchers are not yet sure of the effects of elongated periods of sitting on women, but being more active and less sedentary could help prevent the risk of heart failure in men.
Read more at TheCelebrityCafe
3. If you keep a constant change in temperature indoors throughout the day, it could lose to weight loss. A new study has shown that people that are exposed to lower temperatures actually burn calories. Why? Because their body is working so hard at staying warm that it is actually burning what researchers called “brown fat.” Turning the heat down a few notches can also benefit the environment.
TO find out more about how staying cold can help you lose weight, visit TheCelebrityCafe.
4. A new study in Europe is discovering that Plan B, the emergency contraceptive pill, may not be as effective for women that are overweight or obese. They are taking a look at what the association between body mass and the effectiveness of the pill. However, they have already made a decision to relabel the pills as less effective over 165 pounds and completely ineffective over 175. They are also doing studies on other emergency contraception to see if women of all shapes and sizes are able to benefit from them.
To find out more visit TheCelebrityCafe.
5. Everyone talks about how great vitamin D is for you, but a new study has shown that it may not be as beneficial as we thought. It does not prevent cancer, nor does it promote heart and bone health. However, vitamin D deficiency can lead to diseases. Those who are not getting regular sun exposure should take vitamin D, but for healthy people who get regular exposure to the sun, there are no visible benefits at all.
Read more at TheCelebrityCafe.