MTV surely knows how to keep audiences on the edge of their seats with their Monday night thriller and audience favorite, Teen Wolf . It always seems as though once we get a little information from this weeks episode of Teen Wolf at the end of the hour we find our selves left with even more questions after, which then causes us to scratch our heads and want to re-watch the episode. With new characters coming into play, new relationships starting, and everyone pretty much just losing their minds it’s surprising we haven’t lost our minds too! The writers at Teen Wolf are surely throwing us an action packed season. To help keep everyone on track this season we rounded up the top 10 questions/scenes from Teen Wolf episode ‘More Good Than Bad’ while also refreshing you on some of the important information we have already learnt – or some of the information we thought we knew but were obviously thrown for a doozy.

10. What role are the twins, Ethan and Aiden going to play this season?
Are they going to be a friend or foe to Scott?

From the looks of this past episode they are trying to help Scott become the Alpha that he is while also getting the opportunity to beat the living daylight out of him, so kind of a win-win for both parties. From some of the previews for this season we didn’t see much of them in it, so the questions stands how often/ how big of a role do they have now that Ethan and Aiden don’t really belong to a pack now? Last season we kind of slowly saw the twins slowly immerse themselves into Scott’s semi-pack but post Alpha Pack, where do they belong? Also is there still a romantic relationship between Lydia and Aiden? Ultimately it would be great to see Ethan and Aiden join forces with Scott but I guess only time will tell.

9. Scott’s daddy issues

We finally get to learn a little bit more about Scott through his relationship with his father, who also happens to be a special FBI Agent who wants to remove Stiles’s dad from being Sheriff of Beacon Hills. In previous seasons Scott never mentions his father and why he had left in the past, hopefully we get to find out why. Also Scott now has to decide if him being a werewolf is information he wants to share with his father.

8. Allison and Isaac

What are they/ what aren’t they? These past few episodes they have been spending a lot of time together. Clearly Scott isn’t okay with budding romance so it will be interesting to see how the charming Isaac deals with his friend versus his emotions. In this episode it’s Isaac who is able help Allison relax and concentrate, which shows their deep connection that they have. It’s going to be interesting to see the dynamic of this little love triangle between Isaac, Allison, and Scott work itself out.

7. Malia and being the werecoyote

This episode the gang is able to help Malia, who was trapped in the body of a werewolf-coyote finally change back into a human being. Now, knowing about this breed mix, what exactly does this mean for the Scott? Is Malia a key part in all of this or was she just a way of introducing the new breed?

6. Where have Peter and Derek been?

In this episode we get a little more information on where they are and why they’re there. But to that answer we get oh about five other questions like how’d they end up there? Do they know about the she-wolf? What have they been doing? When are they returning to Beacon Hills? Whose pack are they in?

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5. Why was the same mystery girl, who saved Isaac from the Alpha pack in the beginning of the season, now hired by Deucalion to save Derek?

Something isn’t adding up, we saw this mystery girl in the beginning of season 3a now she’s back with a different mission. Before she was working against Deucalion now she’s working for him, it’s going to be something to keep in mind how she plays into the plans for this season? We know she isn’t werewolf due to the fact that she doesn’t wolf up during a fact and that she can touch mountain ash. She is one mystery that came back from the beginning of the season.

4. Has everyone’s unstable mental issues been resolved for good? Is the door still ajar?

It seems that in this episode everyone has been able to overcome the little hurdles that was holding them back in last episode. Through the help of Lydia talking Stiles into it he was able to read again. Because of Isaac being able to calm Allison down she was able to focus and shoot on point. And due to the physical beating an talking to from the twins Scott was able to Alpha up. By overcoming this we still need to wonder if the have fully closed the door? Also what do these relationships mean – the people who helped Allison, Scott and Stiles overcome the struggle mean?

3. What is it that Derek and Peter wanted so badly from their capturers?

After getting free Derek says he can’t leave without it… it being a sort of canister that has Derek’s pack symbol carved into it. This canister however is protected and covered in mountain ash so that neither Derek nor any other werewolf would be able to retrieve it. The question here is also why these people that were holding Derek and Peter captive have this canister? The canister since it has the embellishment of Derek’s pack on it why they went through all the trouble to protect it? We want to know what’s IN IT?!

2. Who is the she-wolf?

Those who captured the two werewolves Derek and Peter seemed to think that they knew where the “she-wolf” was. They went so far as to cut off one of Peter’s fingers to find out the where abouts of this “she-wolf”. We can assume this she-wolf is something we are going to hear more about the remainder of the season, the only question is why and who is it?

1. WHAT ARE THOSE FIREFLIES? WHAT are those darkshadows that emerged from the nemeton?

And there goes the nemeton again causing trouble the world. We can only imagine what Jeff Davis, the creator, has thought up for the remainder of season 3. Our only guesses can be that whatever is coming out from the leftover power in the nemeton is NOT good. Also we want to know who it was who pulled the plant out of the nemeton that caused it to start spewing a million fireflies and waking it up!?