In this episode of Pretty Little Liars tensions ran high as Spencer struggles with a relapse, Aria questions the entirety of her relationship with Ezra, Emily is forced to make an ultimatum, Hannah saves an innocent man kind of, and Ezra disappears.

The episode opens with Aria, Spencer, Hannah, and Emily discussing the happenings of last episode that left Aria inadvertently stuck on a ski-lift with Ezra vying to justify his behavior and the cryptic writings describing the lives of both Ali and Aria. In a struggle between control, Aria accidently dropped the revealing pages off the ski lift and the pages gracefully scattered into the forest beneath them. What seems to bother Aria the most, however, is that her entire relationship was Ezra was seemingly a lie, or so it seems.

Spencer was dealing with her own problems as her parents decided to take action against her substance abuse and felt it necessary to send her to rehab. In a whim of panic, Spencer pleads with her parents to let her stay reasoning that with college admissions coming up, her history with Radley and admission into rehab would devastate any chance of getting into an elite college as predetermined by the Hasting’s family legacy. Spencer’s parents agreed with her and decided to give her one last chance to prove that she has changed for the better.

While Spencer is busy persuading her parents, Aria goes on a quest to find Ezra and confront him in person. An angered Aria appears crusading through the busy hallways as Hannah and Spencer try to tell her that confronting Ezra in a school setting may not be a good idea. To everyone’s dismay, (I mean I was pretty excited for angry Aria to put Ezra in his place) Ezra was conveniently away on a “family emergency” as the substitute teacher explained, infuriating Aria even more.

As Aria’s flame is fueled even further, she attempts to reach Ezra at his apartment but to no avail. She then decides to peruse his belongings for anything resembling the writings previously lost or any proof that she and her friends have been followed…and she finds it. Not only does she find a timeline of Ali and her whereabouts along with recordings of Ali’s voice, but she also finds various photographs taken of herself as if she had been watched the entire time. In a manic rage, Aria manages to destroy Ezra’s apartment.

Meanwhile, Emily is still stuck with Ali’s money and is on a mission to send it when Paige happens to notice the large sum and follows Emily to the post office. Emily notices she is being followed and Paige ultimately forces Emily to tell her who the money is for saying that if she does not tell her, the money is being turned into the police. This shakes things up for their relationship as the ultimatum understandably upsets Emily. She later agrees to cut off communication after sending the money, however, later in the episode Paige turns the address in to the police after all and reveals that Ali is still alive.

Hannah has been in contact with Detective Holbrook in regards to Travis’ father and his involvement in her own mother’s case. As she explains things to Holbrook, she ultimately convinces him to stand up for Travis’ father in the court of law noting that Detective Wilden was a corrupt law enforcer.

So what does all of this have to do with the big reveal and this week’s biggest moment? Well, that’s exactly what I was wondering until Spencer happened upon a piece of paper with what may be the biggest reveal yet. CiCi Drake never revealed what she saw because Mrs. Delaurentis paid her not to tell. The letter also said that Mrs. Delaurentis saw Spencer chase after Ali….and the rest is muffled. But it was clear that she saw Spencer holding a shovel in her hands directed towards Ali.

So what actually happened? We don’t know! All we know is that by the end of the episode, Spencer begins taking pills again after she experiences withdrawals and tries to ask Mrs. Delaurentis what she saw the night that Ali went missing. This only leads Spencer back to her house with her family and Toby waiting to say that she needs help, presumably planning to send her to rehab as originally planned.

So did Spencer really hurt Ali? Was it even Ali? Where is Ezra? I know this wasn’t mentioned earlier but Aria decided to go on a trip by herself after she realizes Ezra is going through with the publication of Ali’s life story. So where is Aria? What’s going to happen between Emily and Paige? What is going to happen to Ali? And my most popular question: who is “A”?

Image: ABC