The creators of the popular Japanese cartoon Shingeki no Kyojin, commonly referred to as SNK or Attack on Titan by worldwide audiences, has teamed up with Subaru in a new commercial.
Attack on Titan will be debuting its first live action film in 2015 and according to Nerdist, the commercial is a joint effort between Subaru and the Attack on Titan team to showcase a new car, the Forester, and what will hit the big screen from the popular anime’s team in just a year’s time.
Attack on Titan is series that focuses on a young man, Eren Yeager, whose mission in life is to defeat the titans, monstrous creatures who reach 15 meters in height, who appeared on Earth 107 years before the beginning of the series. The origin of the titans or their purpose is unknown, all that is known is that they consume humans and destroy everything in their path.
According to Anime News Networks, Yūsuke Watanabe, the creative mind behind several films, including Dragon Ball Z: Battle of the Gods and 20th Century Boys, will be penning the script.
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