Benedict Cumberbatch is known for his detective skills on the highly rated Sherlock series and has played an iconic villain in Star Trek: Into Darkness but now it seems that Cumberbatch has met his match. The actor recently stared in a Sesame Street YouTube video with the Muppets about the importance of counting.
Cumberbatch stared along side Count von Count and Murray Monster who are on the case of deciding which fruit on the table is the greatest,
AP reported.
The Muppets also seemed confused on if Cumberbatch was actually Sherlock, often calling him Benedict Sherlock.
The Belfast Telegraph added that the video features a fun play off Sherlock, Murray Monster speaks to Cumberbatch saying, "I'm Murray-arty, your arch nemesis."
The actor filmed the spot back in January when he was promoting the new series of Sherlock. When asked about his encounter with the Muppets, Cumberbatch was quick to brag about it. "I just met with the Muppets, it was so much fun, they are real," said Cumberbatch.
Watch the video here:
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