Disney's Frozen has been the breakout film of 2013 and well into 2014. The animated feature has been in the top ten films after 12 weeks and is nearing its billion-dollar worldwide mark at the international box office. These numbers are based off of original runs, not re-releases.

Frozen was recently re-released as a sing along to many theaters across the United States.

Frozen just passed Shrek 2 as the 3rd highest grossing animated release of all time, Deadline reported.

The film is in its 12th weekend internationally in over 40 markets representing about 95% of its run.

Business Week reported that Disney has been having a profitable quarter thanks to Frozen and Thor 2: The Dark World. Revenue for Disney rose 23 percent to $1.89 billion.

The soundtrack for the film has also done well on the music charts, often topping the charts and the soundtrack which features the Oscar nominated "Let It Go" is about to pass the million mark in sales.

Disney is already planning a Frozen musical for the stage.

image: Amazon