At the PCPD, Nathan brought Dante coffee as an apology for overstepping his boundaries the previous night with Lulu. Dante admitted that he and Lulu were making headway but the case was getting in the way. They watched Kiki speak with Franco in a holding cell and tried to figure out what they were going to hold Franco on since there was no body. Inside, Kiki told Franco that she was sorry that she couldn't prove Heather was framing him. Franco replied that he was sure that she didn't see Heather at the Institute because he killed her. Kiki then jumped up and yelped. Could the knife the police have be the one he used on Heather? She then started considering that maybe she didn't really see Heather and asked him to tell the police, but he refused. He then spotted a paperclip on the floor and asked Kiki to hand it to him. Outside the room, Dante read a note from Heather in Franco's bible and learned Heather didn't like her son's association with Carly. Dante wondered how it ended up in his hands since Heather was locked up? Then, Dante's latex allergy acted up as he was removing evidence. Suddenly, Kiki rushed out of the holding cell yelling about how much she hated Franco. She then faked passing out while Franco removed his cuffs and was almost out the door but Dante caught him. Franco told him that he had to find Carly and rushed out the door then Dante shot!

Lulu found a rash on Ben's arm at Wyndemere. Then, a freezing cold Nikolas walked in and told her that he didn't find any Chupacabras.

Meanwhile, outside, Heather forced Carly into to the Wyndemere catacombs and tied her to a pole.

Back inside, Nikolas showed Lulu the huge knife he did find in the stables.
In the catacombs, Heather went into a full-blown panic attack after realizing Nikolas has her knife. “What am I going to do?” Heather asked. Back inside, Nikolas and Lulu pondered how the knife got there and then Lulu told him about Ben's rash. Nikolas told Lulu that was an allergy to latex and Lulu chuckled because Dante has the same allergy. She then laughed about the irony when Nikolas fills her in on all of the other allergies Ben and Dante shared.

Back outside, Heather took some “cleansing breaths” and told herself that she could control her life. She then ran off to the stables to find the knife. While she was gone, Carly worked at getting her binds off.

Later, Heather returned empty-handed. She was pissed and ran to the house to find the knife. Later, Nikolas was baffled after learning that Alfred had never seen the knife before.

At GH, Elizabeth finds Sabrina and told her that she didn't feel comfortable not telling Patrick that her baby was his. Then, Emma popped her head up, confused. “Who’s the baby's daddy?” Emma asked. They then distracted her and Emma started looking up Chupacabras to see if they were real. Sabrina assured Emma that they weren’t. Then, Emma assured Sabrina that if she was having her daddy's baby she'd love it because she loved her. By the nurses’ station, Patrick left a message for Robin. Then, Britt found him and told him that she was sorry for manipulating him and telling him the baby she was carrying was his. She then added that she didn't get it and didn't have much of a role model because of her parents, that her world changed when she had Ben and she smiles. She finished by saying that she had changed because of Ben and Nikolas and wished she could take everything that she did to him back. Patrick replied that it was fine. It was awkward when Britt said that she hoped he and Robin had a baby soon. Later, Sabrina found Patrick and told him that she was sorry, that she lied and he really was the father of her baby.

At Robin's, Victor Cassadine told her that the two "dead" Cassadines were no more dead than she was and she was going to help bring them back and “restore the Cassadine family back to their former glory.” She replied that she had no intentions of doing such a thing. Besides, they were dead. Victor then corrected her saying they were being preserved in the cryogenic lab. Robin thought the world without Helena and Stavros was a better place. Then, Mac arrived and Victor and his thugs hid. Mac said that Robert's flight left but he forgot to give her a necklace with a frog charm, which Robert said brings good luck. She replied that she needed it because Obrecht was giving her a hard time. Mac wondered what sort of information that woman could have given the WSB to allow her that kind of power at GH. Then, he left and Victor and his goons came out of hiding and told her that the good luck charm was already working and that she was going to be helping someone else in addition to Stavros and Helena. He then showed her a photo of Jason.

Britt arrived at Wyndemere. Lulu thanked her for encouraging her and Dante to give each other another chance. Britt was glad it was working out. They then discussed the coincidences that Ben and Dante had the same rash. Outside, Heather returned to Carly muttering, "It's not a major setback because I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and gosh darn it, people fear me!" She then told Carly that she was off to The Metro Court, to find another knife.

At GH, Sabrina told Patrick the baby was his, that she lied about sleeping with Carlos, then lied to him because she didn’t want to come between him and Robin. She then told him that she never planned on him knowing she was pregnant at all and thought she was doing the right thing. She also told him that she didn’t know Carlos was going to claim to be the father, but she ran with it when he did. She also told Patrick that Emma overheard Sabrina and Elizabeth talking and Sabrina realized how crazy all this was and she had to come clean. A cold and angry Patrick never thought Sabrina would lie to him. He then took Emma home and Sabrina and Elizabeth talked about what happened. Sabrina told Elizabeth that she couldn’t imagine how Robin would react.

At Robin’s house, Victor showed her a picture of Jason and alluded that he might not be dead after all. he told her thatFaison wanted Sonny’s territory, but he had to get rid of his No. 2 man, so he shot Jason and dumped him in the harbor, but Faison knew Jason would be an asset one day so he had some colleagues in a boat nearby drag Jason out of the water and took him to the clinic in Switzerland, where Robin had been held. When Robin’s family came to rescue her all hell broke loose and Obrecht knew she had to move the most valuable patients so she dropped Robin off in Corinth, and Helena and Stavros went to Cassadine Island, along with Jason, and all three are now in suspended animation. Victor then told Robin that if she agreed to help save his family, she could save Jason too. Victor then informed her that Patrick and Emma were on their way home, and if she told anyone about this project she would lose the opportunity to save her friend. He left her with the picture. Then, Patrick came in with Emma and told Robin that they needed to talk.

Julian went to see Silas in jail and told him that he wanted to help Silas prove his innocence in Nina’s attempted murder for Sam’s sake. Julian then told Silas that he wanted a place in Sam and Alexis’ life, so if that meant finding out who framed Silas he’d do it – even if his own sister was behind it. But if Silas was truly guilty Julian would make sure that he wouldn’t be in any position to see Sam again.

Upstairs, Franco was shot by Dante, but still escaped. Nathan and Dante then demanded Kiki tell them where Franco was going because they knew she helped him escape and if Carly didn’t come back alive she’d be an accessory to Michael’s mother’s murder. Kiki then asked for a lawyer and they took her down to a cell by Silas. Silas told Kiki he was innocent. She replied that she wished she could say the same about herself. She then told Silas how she helped Franco escape, but had to do it because he said he was innocent, just like she believed of Silas.

Alexis met Sam for dinner at The Metro Court to go over Silas’ defense, but Sam had doubts. She told Alexis that Silas never told her that he got everything in Nina’s will and that Silas keeps hiding things from her. Alexis told Sam that it all boiled down to trust… did she think Silas was telling the truth? Sam then asked Alexis how things with Ava went and Alexis began to dish about Julian just as he walked in. He told them that he visited Silas and that he would do what he could to help make Sam happy. Then, Sam left and Julian told Alexis that he couldn’t stop thinking about their kiss and hoped she hadn’t stopped think about it either. He then asked why she was scared of him and she told him that she was scared of herself and ran off.

At another table, Sonny filled Olivia in on Julian’s threats to Morgan’s loved ones. Sonny told her that he was reminded that there were no code or rules with people like the Jeromes and that he was sure of one thing…a cold war was heating up. Sonny kissed Olivia goodbye and after he left Olivia spotted Heather on her way out.

Meanwhile, Heather grabbed a table and asked to see the whole dessert tray. Her waiter brought the cart and she asked for some champagne while she looked. She slipped a knife in her bag when he left. When Heather’s waiter returned he noticed that she had left with the knife.

Olivia went to PCPD and told Dante that she saw Heather. Sam went to Silas downstairs and was surprised to see Kiki. Sam then told Silas it was wrong how she left and that she owed it to him to hear his explanation.
Franco went to where he buried Heather and started digging. He found that the grave was empty but there was a note that read, "You are going to pay for this."

At home, Patrick told Robin the baby really was his after all and that Sabrina didn’t want it to come between him and Robin. Robin asked Patrick how Sabrina having his baby made him feel, especially after Robin told him no. He later kicked over the table and wished they had five minutes to get back to normal. Then, Patrick found Robin’s picture of Jason. She told him that she never got a chance to say goodbye. After he put Emma to bed, they discussed how they would tell her about the baby.

Franco read the note Heather left in her grave and freaked out. A widow, Mrs. McClain, approached and asked Franco what he was doing disturbing the dead. He told her that he was the new gravedigger. She wondered why he was using his hands and he told her that tomorrow was shovel 101. She gave him the stink eye before slowly walking away.

Lulu brought Lucas by the police station where Dante confirmed that Kiki had helped Franco escape. Lucas then stormed off upset and Lulu apologized to Dante and admitted that she was scared and Dante asked her to trust him to bring Carly home. Dante then began scratching his rash and told Lulu that he was out of his allergy cream. She replied that she knew someone else with the same allergy but Lucas returned before she could tell him who. She offered to go to GH to get a refill but Lucas jumped at the chance to do it. Later, Lulu told Dante that Ben was the one with the rash and they marveled at the coincidence. Then, Mrs. McClain arrives and told Dante that she just saw Franco at the cemetery.

Nikolas came by GH and asked Elizabeth to give Britt a chance. Elizabeth replied that she didn’t trust her after she tried to pass off Brad’s baby as Patrick’s. Nikolas then told her Brad wasn’t Ben’s father, but from sperm Britt took from the lab. Elizabeth was furious but he defended Britt, saying it was Obrecht’s idea. Elizabeth then told him that not all the sperm in the lab was from anonymous donors but he didn’t think anyone had been hurt. He then handed over Ben’s prescription and Elizabeth said another dig about the baby inheriting allergies from his father. Nikolas asked her to drop it and find a way to get along with Britt.

Meanwhile, Felix checked his phone for news on Carly when Brad approached with a rose. Brad told him that he regretted not kissing him good night on their date, but just as he leaned in Sabrina rushed up. Brad and Felix then made plans for later. When they were alone Sabrina told Felix that she told Patrick the truth about the baby. He offered to cancel his plans with Brad so he could be with her when she told Carlos. Meanwhile, Brad got a call from Lucas, who was upset and wanted to see him tonight. Brad told him that he was going to be with Felix. Later, Lucas ran into Brad when he came to refill the prescription and told him that he knew where to find him if he was sick of life in the slow lane with Felix. Later, Felix canceled his plans with Brad. Lucas went to Elizabeth and handed over Dante’s prescription. Elizabeth realized that Dante and Ben have the same allergies and seemed to put two and two together. Then, Brad and Lucas ran into each other at the elevator and decided to grab a drink.

Britt cleaned up Wyndemere and sees the door to the catacombs was open. Obrecht denied having anything to do with it and told Britt that she was ready for a home. "Make room for mutter," she said. Britt refused, but Obrecht threatened to tell Nikolas about Ben.

In the catacombs, Carly tried to free herself. Heather returned to the catacombs with the knife but ran into Victor. He told her that he was Victor Cassadine and demanded to know who she was. She told him that she was part of the staff and dashed off. When Heather got to Carly she didn’t realize that Carly had gotten herself loose. She then lunged for Carly, who kicked the knife out of Heather’s hands and threw her to the ground.

Back upstairs Victor joined Britt and Obrecht. He was incredibly happy to see Obrecht and Britt left them alone. Obrecht told Victor that she agreed to give him info on his family and Jason for her freedom. He told her that the only thing else he needed was her and that he was ready to worship her the way she has always deserved.

Back in the catacombs, a wall collapsed on top of Carly and Heather. Victor told Obrecht they had made the earth move. Nikolas returned and said that he would have someone look at the foundation tomorrow. Outside, Obrecht told Britt that she didn’t want to stay there anymore.

Franco vowed to get Heather as sirens sound in the distance. He left the graveyard and Dante found the note.

At Wyndemere, Spencer overheard Victor tell someone on the phone that no one knew the real reason he was in Port Charles. Victor offered an unimpressed Spencer a Faberge egg to gift to the girl of his dreams for his silence. In another room, Nikolas and Britt discussed Ben’s rash. Nikolas told her that Elizabeth was filling the prescription, that he knew Elizabeth wasn’t Britt’s favorite person but that he told Elizabeth how important Britt was to him. They made out until Spencer interrupted. Victor asked Spencer to take good care of the egg before he left. Nikolas then called someone to look at the crumbling catacombs, then he and Britt discussed Victor’s gifts, including a silver hairbrush for Ben.

At home, Patrick and Robin decided that honesty would get them through the news about the baby before Patrick took Emma to school. Then, Victor arrived and Robin asked for proof that Jason was alive. He then put a disk in his computer. After she was done watching the footage, Robin believed that Jason was alive. Victor told her she would have to leave her family behind and not tell anyone what she was doing.

Outside, Spencer arrived with the egg for Emma and was surprised to see Victor through the window. Robin wondered what believable reason for leaving she could tell her family. Victor thought there had to be some trouble in paradise she could exploit. Spencer watched Victor leave.

Dante found Lulu sleeping on a bench at the PCPD. He got her some coffee and they discussed the bloody sheet and note in the grave. Dante assumed Franco wrote it in Carly’s blood but the message didn’t make sense to Lulu if Franco already had Carly. Another officer then handed Dante new evidence – a long blond hair. Dante asked Lulu not to worry yet and offered to get it tested. Meanwhile, Kiki was led into the interrogation room where Michael was waiting. He demanded to know if she heard from Franco before he texted her from Kelly’s and she admitted that she had. Michael got increasingly angry with her for helping Franco escape and accused her of turning her back on him when he needed her the most. Kiki insisted that she thought Heather was the one to blame, but couldn’t back it up when Michael pressed for more information.

Brad woke up in bed with Lucas. Brad was upset about his choice but Lucas said that he didn’t regret a thing. They went at it again before Brad got ready for work. Lucas wanted to come with Brad to get Dante’s prescription but Brad insisted Lucas stay in bed and he’d get it. Lucas then hopped back in bed and snapped a selfie.

At GH, Sabrina and Felix discussed how upset Carlos was about not raising the baby. Later, Elizabeth told Felix that Britt and her mom stole sperm from the lab and she thought that Dante was the donor. Felix asked her how she was going to prove it. She replied that she was going to run a DNA test because she was going to take the prescription to Wyndemere to get Ben’s DNA and she hoped Felix would get Dante’s. He was reluctant because busting Britt would mean busting Brad too, but agreed. Later, Sabrina ran into Patrick and told him that she told Carlos the truth. He replied that he told Robin too. Patrick then insisted that he would always be there for her and the baby, no matter what. Later, Dante arrived with lab samples for Brad and asked him to put a rush on it. Felix then handed Dante his prescription and took an empty water bottle off his hands.

Carlos met Julian in the graveyard and told that he’d been laying low in case Sonny or Julian decided to finish him off. Julian told Carlos that he wouldn't do that and that they were good. Carlos then admitted to Julian how miserable he was now that he wouldn’t be starting a new life with Sabrina. Julian thought it was commendable that Carlos was willing to raise another man’s child and told him that is son Lucas wasn’t too eager to get to know him. Julian added that he wanted to reach out to him but didn’t know how. Suddenly, Lucas turned the corner and said that was there to see Tony Jones’ grave, his adoptive father who died eight years ago today. Julian asked Lucas to stay so they can get to know each other. They discussed the fact Lucas didn’t have a girlfriend and Lucas told Julian that he was gay.

Elizabeth went by Wyndemere with the prescription and apologized to Britt. She watched as Britt brushes Ben’s hair. Later, Britt realized that the brush was missing.

Elizabeth returned to GH with Ben’s sample, and Felix had Dante’s. Together they headed off to the lab.

Dante returns to PCPD and Lulu is still there. She didn’t want to go home without him and they leave together.

Morgan arrived at the office and shocked Sonny with the news that Kiki had helped Franco bust out of jail. They discussed Julian and Morgan said that he hadn't contacted him but Ava had. He said that he hadn't responded to her texts but didn't like it. He then shouted that Ava had become everything to him. How would he go on without her? Then, he started to break down. Sonny said that he was sorry and felt that way when Connie died. The only reason AJ was breathing was because of Michael.

Ava visited Kiki in the interrogation room at PCPD. Kiki insisted that it was her idea to help Franco, not his. Downstairs, Sam met Alexis and said that Silas was trying to keep it together. Julian hadn't texted but was supposed to be trying to get Ava to admit that tried to kill Silas’ wife. Alexis thinks Julian was sincere in trying to gain Sam's trust and since it had been 48 hours, the cops had to let him go unless they had something on him. Then, Nathan came upon them and told them they did have something. They headed upstairs and he told them it looked as though Dr. Clay tried to kill his wife for her money because he was named the beneficiary in her will. A will that just showed up in his inbox. In the interrogation room, Kiki told her mother that she believed in Franco's innocence and knew Ava didn't take Carly, either. Kiki said she blamed Heather and said Michael had been there. They then get into it about Morgan and Ava admitted that Sonny had forced Morgan to give her up. Kiki was appalled that she was making this about her. Ava then said she was sorry and promised to call a lawyer. In the other room, Alexis and Sam wondered where the will came from. Ava walked out of the interrogation room and they accused her of anonymously sending Nathan the will. She denied it.

At the graveyard, Lucas told Julian that he was gay. Julian was dismayed and uncomfortable with this and asked Lucas if he was sure? Lucas says yes. "I'm attracted to dudes. I sleep with dudes.” Julian wondered if he might have turned out different if he had a strong male influence to teach him about sports and women. Lucas scoffed. He told Julian that he was captain of his gay football team in Seattle and was taught about girls and that man who brought him up accepted him and was proud of him and also told him not to let anyone make him feel less of a man for being gay. "That's what a real father does." Lucas then added that he didn't care about blood or DNA and that Julian wasn’t his father. Julian then asked for time to get used to this but Lucas flew off the handle telling Julian that he was born this way unlike Julian, who chose to become a mobster. Then, Lucas left and Julian left Alexis a voicemail asking her to meet.

Franco arrived at Scott's doorstep in disguise. Scott tried closing the door in Franco's face but it was futile. Franco asked for Scott's help in saving Carly. Then, Franco explained how he killed Heather and buried her because she was about to kill Carly. Scott tried wrapping his brain around how Heather could still be alive after all this. Franco replied "Next time, wooden stake," and brought up the note Heather left at the grave and noted that the cops might have it. Franco then asked Scott to go to Miscavige and talk to Heather. Suddenly, Detective West showed up.

In the rubble of the catacombs, Heather got up and searched for Carly. She found her cut and unconscious under some beams. She thought she was dead and provides mouth to mouth. Then, Carly gasped and opened her eyes. Heather then explained she saved her life so she could kill her properly. Moments later, she found the knife.

Michael found AJ at the park and told him about Kiki helping Franco escape. Michael then filled AJ in about Kiki believing Franco was set up by Heather. AJ then told Michael that he was starting to remember what happened the night Connie was killed and flashed to having a gun in his hand but being unable to stand up. Then, he heard the elevator door ding and someone got off. Michael thought that could have been her killer. AJ wondered who that could have been. Later, Michael left, AJ had a drink and remembered seeing Ava in the elevator with a gun. "Ava! It was Ava!"

Ava showed up at Sonny's office and came face-to-face with Morgan.