Celebrity Boxing promoter Damon Feldman tweeted a response to all the negative outcry after it was confirmed that George Zimmerman will be participating in a match against rapper DMX. While admitting that he does have some ‘thinking to do,’ he defended the match as strictly entertainment.

Two weeks ago, Zimmerman - the man acquitted in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin - confirmed that he would participate in a match set up by Feldman in March. After rappers The Game and DMX told TMZ they were interested, DMX won out for the chance to beat up Zimmerman in the ring.

Since then, there has been backlash against the idea, with some suggesting that it cements Zimmerman’s status as a ‘celebrity.’ A Change.org petition has already garnered over 6,300 signatures from people who all want the boxing match stopped.

“This all just seems like a slap in the face of the justice system, Trayvon's mourning family, as well as a mourning nation of young black men who feel like we could have easily been his target that night,” Nicholas Few, who started the petition, wrote.

As Christian Post notes, Feldman did send a couple of tweets in response. “Just want to thank everyone for the support and love I don't want anyone thinking I'm making a mockery out of the tragedy its entertainment,” he wrote. “A lot of thinking to do this weekend.”

Feldman later sent another tweet, stressing, “I want everyone to know this is all entertainment that's all.”

The match is supposed to take place in March. Feldman said that a news conference will take place Wednesday afternoon to announce the details.

image: Wikimedia Commons