Following, Ellen Page making her announcement about being gay, most of Hollywood has instantly provided support and praise for the actress via social media and in person. Jane Lynch, who is also openly gay and an actress in Hollywood expressed her support and said that Page shouldn't be so hard on herself.

People Magazine reported that Lynch spoke about Page's groundbreaking announcement and the two actresses seem to have many similarities.

Lynch said that she herself when she was younger that she lied about her sexuality as well and that Page shouldn't' be so hard on herself for waiting to come out, Contact Music reported.

"When I was younger, I lied by omission. She should give herself a break and not call it 'lying'," said Lynch. She went on to explain that she did understand how Page felt and that she was very proud of her. "But I know what it is to feel like you can't be open and honest about your orientation. Good for her!"

Page recently took to her personal Twitter account to express love for her fans and to thank the population that supported her.

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