No stranger to fame at a young age, Joe Jonas discussed with E! News the helpful advice that he would give to both Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber regarding their recent issues with fame. At the G-Star RAW X Bionic event this past Saturday, Jonas had some tips to give to the two troubled young stars.

Both Gomez and Bieber have been dealing with their own set of issues in the past months. Gomez recently revealed that she had taken time off and checked in to rehab, while Bieber himself has had a couple run-ins with the law.

According to E! Online, Jonas had this to say to them, "Something that I heard from someone I looked up to was, ‘watch the people around you and learn from their mistakes so you don't make the same.” He followed up by saying, "I just held on to that and any time I saw a celebrity I really looked up to screw up, I just was like ‘all right, I am not going to do that or try my best ability to avoid that,' so it's just a learning tool."

While remaining relatively quiet in praising Bieber, Jonas was able to open up and declare that he's a fan of Gomez.

The ABC News Blog reports that Jonas said, “Her career’s been great and she is going to succeed and I want her to succeed and I want her to be happy, “

Whether or not Bieber or Gomez take the advice of the former Jonas Brothers band member remains to be seen. Either way, words of encouragement and support are always welcomed, especially when those words come from someone very familiar with the current scene.

Image: CBS Press Express