It was a big night for model Cara Delevingne, who launched her line of handbags with Mulberry at London Fashion Week on Sunday night.

The fashion house launched the Cara Delevingne Collection following successful ad campaigns with the Victoria’s Secret model. She’s also modeled for Chanel and Burberry in the past.

According to Daily News, the collection features three different types of bags in three different sizes. They range from 890 pounds, equivalent to $1,500 and reach 2,500 pounds.

The Cara Delevingne Collection is expected to launch in August and the model herself has said it appeals to people of all ages. "My Granny will like this bag. She’s one hundred and two years old. My five year old cousin will probably like this bag. He’s a boy,” she said, Elle reports.

Delevingne posted the collection to Instagram the same day they launched at London Fashion Week.

The brand hopes to use their collaboration to boost sales, as they reported a loss in earnings over Christmas.

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