NBC Entertainment and General Electric, which was once the majority owner of NBCUniversal, announced Friday that the two companies struck a sponsorship deal for The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. The host will integrate GE products and inventions into the show and GE will sponsor a Tonight Show app with exclusive content.

The title for the overall deal is Tonight Show Fallonventions and the first part will be a “Brilliant Inventions” section on the new Tonight Show site, notes Media Post. It will feature exclusive content related to the in-show GE segment, in which Fallon will show off inventions from three children.

In addition, GE will be the first sponsor for the new Tonight Show app, which NBC also announced on Thursday. This app will make all content at the website available for mobile devices. It will be available on the ITunes App Store and for Android devices starting on Feb. 17.

Robert Hayes, Executive Vice President, Digital Media, NBC Entertainment said that the company hopes that Fallon’s tech savvy fans will use the app to access his new content on multiple platforms.

“We worked closely with the show to design a mobile and digital experience that provided new levels of interaction and connectivity to the show while at the same time represented Jimmy’s cutting-edge and magnetic brand of humor,” Hayes said.

The app will also feature four exclusive games.

Fallon’s first Tonight Show is set for Feb. 17 and the first GE segment will air on Feb. 19.

image courtesy of NBC