In the 100th episode of NBC's popular comedy, Parks and Recreation, main characters Leslie Knope and Ben Wyatt place a lock on Paris’ Pont des Arts Neuf bridge. Since that scene was filmed the lock has disappeared.

In the eposide Ben surprises Leslie with a trip to Paris after he last day in office and they snap a lock to the bridge. A dedicated fans of the show went searching for the lock on the bridge and took to Tumblr to explain that it was gone.

Parks and Rec recently saw the loss of two major characters, Ann and Chris, played by Rashida Jones and Rob Lowe, which upset fans. Now with the loss of this iconic prop, Parks fans are very unhappy.

Fans have taken to Twitter to express their anger about the lock being stolen, Entertainment Weekly reported.

Adam Scott, who plays Ben Wyatt on the show even added his comments into the social media conversation.

Series co-creator Michael Schur of the show took to his own Twitter account, adding that this stinks and asked if someone did take the lock to return it.

image: NBC