The former video coordinator for the NFL's New England Patriots is selling his Super Bowl XXXIX ring. This ring is special because it is the ring given to the cameraman of the famous 'Spygate' scandal in 2007 in which the Patriots were caught spying on and videotaping their opponents' private practices.

Matt Estrella, who was the cameraman behind the 'Spygate' scandal during the 2007 season, is selling his ring from the 2004 Super Bowl victory on New Jersey's Goldin Auctions, according to NY Daily News.

The ring, however, is not the same ring that the players and coaches got after the victory. It has faux diamonds and his same size or shape as the actual ring Super Bowl ring given out, according to ProFootballTalk.

The Patriots and Estrella made headlines in 2007 after they were caught videotaping New York Jets practice. As a result, the NFL hit the Patriots and their coach, Bill Belichick, with large fines and loss of first-round draft pick in the 2008 NFL Draft.

ProFootballTalk reports that the current bid for the ring is $5,704.

Image: Wikimedia Commons.