Prince Charles, 65, and Prince William,31, have taken a stand against illegal wildlife trading in a 9 minute video that was released on Sunday.
In the video, Prince Charles said, "We have come together, as father and son, to lend our voices to the growing global effort to combat the illegal wildlife trade, and Prince William said, "Despite the terrible crisis that we now face, we both continue to be optimistic that the tide can be reversed,” according to the AFP.
At the end of the video, the father and son call to the world by saying, "Let's unite for wildlife,” in various languages that are hit hard with illegal trafficking.
Time reports that “wildlife trafficking has become a global criminal enterprise, worth up to $10 billion a year and fed by the growing demand in Asia for ivory products.”
Prince Charles is set to take the throne from Queen Elizabeth II when the time comes. In preparation, Prince Charles and the Queen have merged their media teams.
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