The upcoming comedy that will feature both Reese Witherspoon and Sofia Vergara has just found its director. Anne Fletcher is currently in negotiations to direct the upcoming, Don’t Mess With Texas.

Fletcher is known for directing romantic comedies such as The Proposal and 27 Dresses, The Hollywood Reporter added.

Variety reported that back in June Universal Pictures won the rights to the project and that the film is fully financed.

David Feeney and John Quaintance are attached the project and have already written the script. Dana Fox along with Witherspoon will be serving as producers on the film.

Don't Mess With Texas will tell the story of a cop and a prisoner on the run in Texas, the two women are being chased down by corrupt police officers. Whiterspoon will be playing the officer and Vergara will be playing the prisoner.

The film is planning to start production when Vergara goes on hiatus from her ABC hit comedy show, Modern Family this spring.

No release date for the film has been announced.

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