The Normal Heart, Ryan Murphy’s film adaptation of the Tony winning play by Larry Kramer, has received a premiere date on HBO. The film will first air on May 25.

The play and film tell the story of the dawn of the HIV-AIDS crisis in New York City in the early 1980s, notes Entertainment Weekly. Members of the main cast include Julia Roberts, Mark Ruffalo, Matt Bomer, Jim Parsons and Taylor Kitsch.

The film was produced by Jason Blum, Dede Gardner, Dante Di Loreto, Kramer and Murphy and written by Kramer.

HBO has yet to release a trailer for the film. One was shown at the Television Critics Association press tour in January, though, so critics have seen a few scenes.

Murphy, who co-created both Fox’s Glee and FX’s American Horror Story, is also working on another project for HBO. He is working on a pilot called Open with Anna Torv and Jennifer Jason Leigh.

It was also reported last month that the network is hoping to develop a sequel to The Normal Heart.

HBO previously used Memorial Day to launch Behind the Candelabra. The Normal Heart will debut that weekend this year on Sunday, May 25 at 9 p.m. Game of Thrones will get the week off.

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