It seems Selena Gomez’s rep might not have been telling the whole truth. As previously reported Gomez entered rehab The Meadows earlier for this year for substance, prescription Ambien, and alcohol abuse in addition to past problems with ex boyfriend, Justin Bieber. However not reported by her rep was that Gomez left rehab after much objection from the medical staff according to TMZ .
After entering a 6-week program, Gomez checked out after only 14 days to go to the Sundance Film Festival for her upcoming movie Rudderless . With talk of coming back after the festival, Gomez decided against this and has yet to return to the program believing she is fine. The medical staff has a different view however believing it is vital to the recovery that she finishes the program to become healthiest. In the time she spent at The Meadows, Gomez did complete ‘Survivor’s week,’ the most difficult week of the program.
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