Beloved sports figure, Terry Bradshaw, sadly lost his father, William “Bill” Marvin Bradshaw, on Thursday. After fighting a longtime illness Bradshaw’s father passed away at age 86.

Terry Bradshaw is a former NFL quarterback for the Pittsburgh Steelers and current NFL television analyst. He was scheduled to take part in Fox Sports’ Super Bowl XLVII coverage, but will understandably now be absent.

According nydailynews Michael Strahan will fill Bradshaw’s spot in the pregame coverage and the Vince Lombardi Trophy presentation. Chris Myers will now take Strahan’s spot on the Red Carpet show.

According to foxsportsA network spokesman issued a statement saying, “On behalf of everyone at FOX Sports, we want to extend our deepest sympathy to Terry, his mother Novis, brothers Gary and Craig and the entire Bradshaw family. All are in our thoughts and prayers today, and we respect their wishes for privacy during this very difficult time.”

Bradshaw is currently with his family in Louisiana dealing with the devastating situation.