In this weeks all-new Teen Wolf episode ‘Echo House’ we only began to scratch the surface of the Nogitsune (the dark kagetsune) that is now possessing our beloved Stiles. We watched as Scott’s pack, now made up of Aiden, Ethan, Allison, Kira, and Lydia, sought out an ancient Japanese artifact from the deceased Silverfinger that can be the key to destroying what’s possessing Stiles. With the threat of the Nogitsune now stronger Stiles checks himself into Eichen House (a mental hospital) to keep himself from hurting anyone else, while his friends try to find a cure. In a race against time Stiles and Scott need to make some rash decisions in order to save the ones they love. Here is the top 10 OMG moments from this week’s episode ‘Echo House’.

10. Ms. Morrell returning to “keep the balance”

Seriously this lady just seems to pop up whenever the gangs in trouble and has no idea how big the problem really is that they’re up against. Ms. Morrell so far has played the guidance counselor at Beacon Hills, a French teacher, and now in her most recent role she plays a psychiatrist at Eichen House, where Stiles just checked in. Like Deaton, we still have no idea what exactly she is and how she knows everything she does. What we do know though is that whenever she shows up we know we are fighting something bad on Teen Wolf , I mean I guess she’s our number one indicator that something big is going to go down and she will be there to “keep the balance” at any means.

9. Kira’s new skill – a master swordsman?

Add this to the resume; on top of soaking up electricity Kira is also one awesome swordsman to boot. She showed off her impressive skills to Scott when she wanted to help the gang in their pursuit of the scroll. All we can say is girl has got some serious skill and we don’t want to be on her bad side.

8. Teamwork at its best

Using everyone’s own unique skill set Lydia was able to hatch a plan to get the scroll. With Allison being a great huntsman, Scott being the alpha he is, Kira and her fighting ability, and the twins with their strength they were able to get the scroll even after running into some trouble.

7. “You have the eyes of an alpha but not the strength.” & “We are here to save a life, not end one.”

Both of these quotes show how much Scott and the twins need each other. Realizing he may be the alpha Scott doesn’t necessarily always have the power to fight off whatever’s coming. In this moment Scott sees that it may be beneficial to have the strength and the ability of the twins on his side. This moment proved to him that the twins do have his back and really want to be apart of his pack. By the end of the scene though Scott teaches the twins to have constraint in their fighting, they may be werewolves but they are also human beings first. He is giving the twins the chance to learn from him and for the twins it’s a new feeling not killing. These quotes perfectly sum up how much they each need each other in their lives.

6. What was the picture that was pulled out of the pocket?

Discovering the wrapped face man behind the wall that had the kanji written on it Stiles takes out a photo from the man’s jacket. After seeing the photo he says he needs to get it to Scott. The question is who or what does the photo reveal? Is it the key to saving Stiles?

5. Who is this woman that visits Chris Argent?

This isn’t the first time we saw this lady before, if you recall she appeared in the beginning of the season as a woman who was questioning Derek and Peter about a she-wolf. She has now reappeared to pay a visit to Chris Argent. In their little meeting they talk about the code that the Argents follow. We don’t know exactly why she is there but we can pick up a sense that she doesn’t like that’s going on in Beacon Hills right now. This lady seems to have a lot of power, which makes Chris nervous about what she is going to do and what this means for his family.

4. Malia and Stiles hook up!!

This was one major OMG moment for Stiles fans. Being it took place in a creepy basement of Eichen mental hospital it was still kind of a sweet moment between Malia and Stiles. You go Stiles! Hopefully this love interest continues.

3. Stiles letting the Nagetsune in.

In an attempt to get into Stiles’s head the Nogitsune takes over the mind of Oliver, Stiles roommate at Eichen House. With Oliver threatening the life of Malia, who Stiles now has feelings for, the Nogitsune is playing on his emotions to get into Stiles mind. The only thing to do in order to save Malia is for Stiles to let him in and he does. He has officially crossed over to the dark side ladies and gentlemen.

2. Malia on her way to find Scott

As Malia is leaving Eichen house to find Scott her eyes glow blue. So what does Scott have to do with Malia? Will Malia and Peter run into each other? As Malia jumps onto the scene there are a lot of questions that come with her character.

1. Turn him into a wolf.
The scroll revealed that the way to get rid of the Nogitsune you need to change the body of the host. So now the question is when is Stiles becoming a werewolf? Scott promised to Stiles that he was going to do everything he can to save him, does turning him into a wolf the only way to help Stiles?

Photo Courtesy of MTV