On Monday night’s Teen Wolf episode “Silverfinger” we finally got answers on who/what these new dark figures are, that have made their way into Beacon Hills. Tonight we learnt the origins of the new enemy, by taking a look at some Japanese mythology that has come into play on this season’s Teen Wolf . Tonight Chris Argent explained his connection to the dark figures that we have learnt are called the Uhmi—Japanese demons. The point of these demons is they are checking for a dark disconnected spirit, someone who is no longer themselves. Their markings are a way of knowing that those people are okay. We also learn that the name of Kira’s supernatural self is a kitsanai – a trickster spirit. A lot of new information was discovered tonight and to help keep you all up to date we organized and sorted through some of our ongoing top 10 questions from throughout the season and put it all in one place for you to catch up! Enjoy!

10. Allison and Isaac

FINALLY they have kissed. This season has been leading up to them finally both admitting that they have a thing for each other regardless of each of their relationships with Scott. It’s going to be interesting to see how Scott actually feels about them being together when they actually do approach him.

9 Twins.

When are the twins going to be able to say they belong to Scott’s pack? As Derek pointed out in order for them to be in Scotts pack they have to be willing to die for Scott and clearly at this point they aren’t that committed to Scott just yet. The special things about Scot pack is that they all truly care for each other and they are all human first and feel unlike the twins who only know how to be a killer werewolf.

8. Chris Argent and his past

The Argent family always seems to be in the know of who the big bad enemy is, they seem to always be connected to it some way. Tonight we learnt that this wasn’t the first Chris had some into contact with these demons. He came across them in Japan when he was a young boy making his first arms exchange – where he met the silver finger—a former enemy from the Yakuza.

7. Scott’s dad (Agent McHall) reason for coming back, what does he have to tell his son?

After Agent McHall is stabbed by the demons Melissa is trying to keep him alive and he tell’s Melissa to tell Scott the real reason why he came back, but in an attempt for him to hold on tell him not to talk about it—that he will tell Scott himself.
So we have to wonder, theres more story behind Scott and his dad that Scott doesn’t know about.

6. Kitsanai, are there any others?

This episode revealed that Kira is called a kitsanai and we are told there are 13 types of this fox. We have to wonder who else in Beacon Hills is a Kitsanai and what it has to do with the werewolves? Derek knows what Kira is and it’s most likely that he has dealt with them before.

5. Wolves and foxes not getting along … how is this going to work out with Kira and Scoot?

From a book that Kira has there is an illustration of a fox being hunted and destroyed by a bunch of wolves which doesn’t show a promising future for Kira, who is now romantically getting close with Scott -- the true alpha wolf. So we have to question when it comes down to his pack or Kira who would Scott choose? Also we have to remember that Derek told Aiden and Ethan not to attack because something along the lines of Scott taking care of it.

4. Kitsanai being a trickster spirit

Kira mentioned this during the episode – we have to keep this in mind when it comes to the Kitsanai and what it may possibly mean for the wolves.

3. Ohnnee –the Japanese demons and the connection to the nemeton

In the very begin of this season we saw these demons coming out of the nemeton. There is the connection of the nemeton to the fireflies that came oozing out of the base of the tree once the flower was pulled out of it.

2. Stiles and the connection to his mom

After getting some symptoms from Stiles Mlissa goes to check Stiles’s deceased mothers chart and they seem to have the same symptoms, this can mean that Stile’s mom possibly may have had a connection to the super natural which can account for her death?

1. Stiles is a dark spirit now!?
That ending with Stiles being the dark spirit had all our jaws on the ground, there are so many questions that came out from that. This last scene Stiles is confronted by the demons and as they go to check Stiles for being the dark spirit Stiles all of a sudden grabs the inside of the demons – the firefly and kills them and then the other 2 remaining demons seem to consume Stiles, then all of a sudden he is snapped right back to being normal Stiles. It’s going to be interesting to see how Stiles comes out as a bad guy in all of this. A new face of Stiles is coming out.

This episode we didn’t get a chance to see Lydia – which is always disappointing she always has great commentary on the situations.

Also it was a great episode that answered a whole lot of answers to get us on track for the rest of the season!