As if bacon isn’t already popular enough, this month bacon sales are at an all time high. Bacon is the type of food that can be eaten in many different ways. You can add it to omelets, put it on a sandwich or incorporate it into your pasta dishes, and that’s just naming a few. It doesn’t just have to be bacon and eggs or BLT’s, which are typical ways to serve bacon. There are so many ways to cook with this meat. While most prefer to just eat it plain in it’s crispy, greasy goodness, and who wouldn’t, bacon can balance out any dish. It gives any recipe that fatty, salty flavor we all know and love.

Recently, Americans have even been saying that bacon has become our national food. They’re calling this a “bacon boom” and it’s the trendiest food around. Many food magazines recently have had bacon as their featured food in all the recipes, and it seems that this is a trend that will never get old.

Some people believe the typical strip of bacon you see is the only version of this meat, but there are so many different varieties. You can buy it in different cuts, which have different thicknesses and amounts of fat or you can go for what they call “bacon cousins” with Canadian bacon or pancetta. All are made from pork, just different parts of the pig, which can be cut or smoked differently. No matter which type you decide to cook, they all are salty, fatty and delicious.

So eat bacon with breakfast like you’re supposed to, or mix up every meal you serve. Add it to burgers, pastas, salads, soups, pizzas, hot dogs, or really anything you can think of. The good thing about cooking with this salty meat is there’s no such thing as too much bacon, so go crazy. I promise you won’t regret it.

Click next for what we believe are the top 10 dinners to make with bacon, although the possibilities are endless.

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