The Super Bowl is one of America's favorite television events of all time. Depending on the game, the hype can be less or greater than the reaction. In the case of Super Bowl XLVIII, although the hype was tremendous, the game was so disappointing that the reactions overshadowed all else. Twitter exploded with conversation about the game—or lack thereof, as the score was a ridiculous blow out of 43-8, Seahawks.

Celebrities and everyday people alike had plenty to say about the anticlimactic let-down of a game. Some were simply loyal fans continuing to root for their team as if the result wasn't obvious until the end. Others were just cruel, targeting the Broncos, but especially the unfortunate quarterback Peyton Manning. Still others were a bit more light-hearted—humorous tweets that may have poked fun at the Broncos but not with contempt and harshness behind them.

Here are some of the funniest tweets about the upset from celebrities:

Mike Epps

Jesse Williams

Chloe Bennet

Patton Oswalt

Dane Cook

Blake Shelton

And below are some of the best reactions from everyday people.

Many, like actress Chloe Bennet, blamed it on marijuana, recently legalized by both Seattle and Denver:

Rafalca Romney


Others offered different excuses for the Broncos' poor showing, namely misunderstandings/confusion:

Matthew Bamonte Sr.

The Onion Sports Network


Justin Lens

Jeff G.

Then there were other kinds of comments:
Andry H'Tims

Joe Lazzerini



David Steinberg

Jon Risinger

Ryan Anderson