Universal TV is currently developing an adaptation of Stephen King's short story, "Ayana," into a television drama. "Ayana" was written back in 2007 and was published The Paris Review.

The story is set in a world of miracles. The story features a variety of themes including complex and powerful characters who interact with magic that leads to profound changes in their own lives.

Chris Sparling will be writing the upcoming project and Ben Haber will be a producer on the drama, Variety reported. Jordan Kerner will be the executive producer on the untitled show.

It has been reported that NBC is currently considering the project but if the network does not want the series, Universal TV is prepared to go to other networks.

King has already had success on TV with CBS's Under The Dome. Dome will be airing the second season this summer.

Christian Science Monitor added that King is already working on two new novels.

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