The episode begins with Adam, Blake, and Ders at a bar that is filled with fraternity men from Kappa Zeta Nu. When the bar yells for last call, the guys perform an embarrassing attempt at a fraternity chant in order to get everyone to their house for an after party. Though they succeed at getting everyone there, the party itself is an epic fail. The electricity powers off, alcohol is nonexistent, and everyone starts to leave. That is until Stan Halen enters their lives.
Stan Halen walks into the house decked out in his Kappa Zeta Nu gear and brings the party to life. His philosophy: “rules make drinking so fun.” The next morning, Stan essentially begins hazing the guys by making them drink all day. He even makes them lay down in front of an oncoming car. The guys look up to him and are willing to do whatever is necessary to become initiated into Kappa Zeta Nu. In essence, they are hoping to get a second (and better) try at the college lifestyle.
But, when their work schedule catches up to them and Monday morning comes along, Stan’s requests become far too much. Blake and Anders have to draw the line somewhere. Whereas Adam has been continuously turned away by Stan all weekend, so he decides to skip work and stay behind with Stan to prove his partying abilities and loyalty to the fraternity. Meanwhile, Blake and Anders are at work trying to catch up on sleep, when Bill walks up to them and begins telling them about his old days when he almost joined a fraternity. Bill didn’t get in though, because they wanted him to a chug a forty ounce beer and he refused. Blake and Anders know what Bill’s life has become and they refuse to endure the same fate. Immediately, they leave work and head over to the frat house begging to be initiated. What they find instead is that Stan is a fraud and he was never actually a member of Kappa Zeta Nu.
They rush home to save Adam and get rid of this fake once and for all, but they are too late. Adam is taped up in the corner with one of his eyebrows shaved off and repositioned into a false mustache. They realize that Stan is, in fact, a “brociopath,” and they must get away from his psycho ways. But, Stan has other plans. He has the hope of making their own Kappa Zeta Nu chapter, and his new rule: “Once you’re in, you’re never getting out.” He even goes as far as branding himself, in front of them, with the KZN logo.
The guys must think fast, and they work together to use Stan’s own rules against him. They force Stan to drink, but they are out of booze. So, Anders dares him to drink liquid air freshener, which he does. Finally, Stan gets taken away on an ambulance from becoming sick and eventually to a psych ward to seek treatment.
As Stan is carried off by the medical staff Adam yells, “Sorry things got so weird there at the end, Stan!” Stan is gone for good, and the guys still didn’t learn a thing about throwing a party.
Favorite Lines from “Brociopath:”
1. When an overweight man wants to take his shirt off at the party, Anders responds, “I got boobs too man, it’s whatever.”
2. When Stan asks them if they have any other friends that are legendary status with a fraternity, Adam says, “No (laugh), we don’t have any friends.”