Four of the Duggar daughters of 19 Kids and Counting have revealed they are avoiding men in order to prevent committing the sin of having sex before marriage.

Jana, 24, Jill, 22, Jessa, 21, and Jinger, 20 told Daily Mail the reason they were avoiding guys is because “it’s easy to put yourself into physical and moral danger and give into those emotions or sensual thoughst that promise pleasant, but only temporary fulfillment.”

Not only this, but they have found a way to censor their thought through “the filter of God’s word.” They added that through God’s word they are able to recant for their “wrong thoughts.”

The girls, who “thank God they are ‘normal’" for liking men, are revealing more in their tell-all book, Growing Up Duggar.

According to E! News, Jessa is currently the only one who is courting.

"Courting is getting to know each other in a group setting, both families spending time together and the couple setting goals together to determine if they are meant to marry,”Jim Bob Duggar said.

The family consider themselves representatives of the Quiverfull movement who welcome each child they create. The conservative Christians also have strong beliefs on contraception, home-schooling and more.

Photo courtesy of TLC