Oscar winner Anne Hathaway is known for her break out role in The Princess Diaries and has worked in many critically acclaimed films such as Les Miserables. Despite her fame and success, many people are turning on the popular actress – and Anne knows it.

When Hathaway was complimented by E! News on her perfectly coiffed hair at the premier of Rio 2, the actress revealed she is just “lucky” to have straight hair that only gets better from the Miami humidity.

Realizing her comment might have sounded snooty, she joked: “Everybody hates me, it’s fine, I’m used to it!”

The New York Times revealed many people have moved beyond subtle disses and have come outright to say how they truly feel.

Debaters have even created a Twitter hashtag – #hathahaters.

“It’s not really Anne Hathaway I ‘hate,’ ” Sarah Nicole Prickett, a writer for Vice and The New Inquiry, a culture and commentary site said. “It’s all the lesser, real-life Anne Hathaways I have known — princessy, theater-schooled girls who have no game and no sex appeal and eat raisins for dessert.”

Ann Friedman added on The Cut, “We simply don’t find successful ‘perfect’ women all that likable.”

Tell us: do you think Anne Hathaway deserves the hate?