CBS's leading sitcom The Big Bang Theory has kept a hold of their number one spot on Thursday night. Once again, last Thursday night they topped the ratings for most watched TV on Thursday night.
CBS had an average of 10.7 million tune into their Thursday night line up and The Big Bang Theory saw another increase in viewership from last week, The Hollywood Reporter added.
Big Bang brought in a viewership rating of 5.2 amongst adults. The episode titled, "The Friendship Turbulence" was another home run for the comedy.
The Big Bang Theory has become one of the most successful comedies for CBS and is now branching out into a possible deal with Lego, CNET reported.
Fan site, Lego Cuusoo, is an online community where builders share custom sets that they have created with LEGOS. If enough fans vote for their custom set, their project could become real life Lego kits. Currently the Big Bang Theory set has almost 4,000 votes but it would need 6,000 more for the Lego Group to consider putting the set into production.
Fans can vote for the Big Bang Lego set here.
image: CBS