The show, Surviving Jack, premiered on March 27 and stars Christopher Meloni. The show, set in the 90s, stars, Christopher Meloni as Jack Dunlevy, an oncologist and father who supports his wife as she is getting her law degree. Surviving Jack is also about a father who is taking on the bulk of the parenting while his wife is in school.
According to TV Guide, Meloni said of his new alter ego, a strict father of two, "Jack is never mean. He's not a mean-spirited guy. Everyone's antenna is always up for anything that maybe smacks of him being mean."
Victor Nelli, who directed the pilot of show, says that he intends to let the writers and the actors sell the show. Nelli has previously worked on Scrubs and The Bernie Mac Show. Meloni starred in the television series, Law & Order, Oz, and Scrubs. He was also seen in the film, They Came Together and 42. The supporting cast also includes Kevin Hernandez as George and Tyler Foden as Mikey.