Following his arrest, the eccentric Indianapolis Colts owner is facing four counts of felony possession, jail time and could be disciplined by the league.

According to ESPN, Jim Irsay faces four felony counts of possession of a controlled substance and a preliminary misdemeanor charge of operating a vehicle while intoxicated.

The 54-year-old was pulled over on Sunday for suspicion of drunk driving after police noticed him driving erratically. He failed roadside sobriety tests and cops found multiple prescription drugs inside his car.

He was booked in Hamilton County, Ind. and spent the night in jail.

Still, USA Today noted that legal experts do not believe that the Colts owner will spend anymore time in jail if convicted based on the level of the preliminary charges and the fact that he apparently does not have a relevant or extensive criminal history.

Irsay is due back in court on March 26.

The legal battle aside, Irsay may also faces discipline by the NFL. Commissioner Roger Goodell holds the players to a strict conduct policy and many believe that the owner should be held to the same standard.