Here’s our daily wrap of all things for Wednesday March 12th:

Justin Bieber was arrested back in January for a DUI and his court date has been set for May. Deciding the date of his court case had been postponed because of leaked footage of Bieber failing his sobriety test. Bieber rejected a plea deal and has pleaded not guilty to the charges against him.

We are now entering day five since Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 went missing. The plane was carrying 239 passengers to Beijing. Last communication with pilots show that there was no hint of danger but it is noted that the plane somehow managed to go off course and never got in contact with Ho Chi Minh City. It was reported that the plane may have disintegrated.

The Pawn Stars Gold & Silver Pawn Shop bought a stolen coin collection worth $50,000 and melted the gold down. The coin collection was stolen from David Walters and sold to the pawn shop by his niece Jennifer Beckham. Beckham made over $12,000 by cashing in the coins. Shop owners melted the gold before cops could alert them about the theft since coins are not covered under laws that pawn shops are put under.