Alan Thicke, the star of the 1980s sitcom Growing Pains, is set to return to television as a reality series star. TVGN is hoping that enough of his fans are interested in the Canadian actor’s private life.

The series’ title plays on Thicke’s name and will begin on April 16, reports E! News. Unusually Thicke is described as a unique mix of reality TV and sitcom.

Unusually Thicke combines my two favorite things: family...and laughing at my family,” Thicke said in a statement. “This series is my foray into the ‘reality-ish' television world where viewers will meet the lovable, unpredictable, and often challenging people who live with the real Jason Seaver.”

According to Broadcasting & Cable, the network is promising that his son, “Blurred Lines” signer Robin Thicke, will make an appearance. Bob Saget, John Stamos, Magic Johnson, David Hasselhoff, Wayne Gretzky and other celebrities are slated to appear during the show’s 14 episodes. Every episode will feature his wife Tanya and 16-year-old son Carter.

Peacock Alley Entertainment produced the show.

Thicke was recently seen in an episode of CBS' How I Met Your Mother.

image courtesy of CBS