Comedian, director, writer and actor, Louis C.K. will be returning to host Saturday Night Live on March 29. This will mark the second time that C.K. has hosted the late night variety show.
C.K. will be returning to FX in May with a new season of his show, Louie in May, Deadline reported. The show has been on hiatus for a while but the show is back in production and will be returning to the network in May but no official date has been announced.
The last time that C.K. hosted was in November of 2012. His time on the show was immediately following Hurricane Sandy, even with the tragedy fresh in the minds of many, C.K. made audiences laugh and even spoofed Abraham Lincoln.
The musical guest back in November of 2012 was Grammy nominated band, Fun. No musical guest has been announced for the upcoming show that C.K. will be hosting, TV Line reported.
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