Eight years ago, Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone, and Noah Glass created Twitter, which later became one of the most popular social media outlets. In honor of their anniversary, they launched a new tool that allows people search for someone's first ever tweet with #FirstTweet.
Twitter became a huge success when it allowed fans to check out what their favorite celebrities are doing in that moment in time, as well as a way for celebrities to spread movie, music, video, and tour news. It is also used as a means of connecting with others to speak about popular topics, share pictures and funny moments, and keep up with current events and coverage of live events. In the eight years that it has been created, millions have registered around the world, and are sending out numerous tweets day by day.
In honor of Twitter's eighth birthday, here's a look at co-founder Jack Dorsey, popular celebrities, and a few politicians first ever tweets.
Jack Dorsey
just setting up my twttr
— Jack Dorsey (@jack) March 21, 2006
Katy Perry
Just got into Berlin... feeling better thank you, have my vicks inhaler by my bedside... and P.S. I TWITTTTER! GAH. Such a follower!
— Katy Perry (@katyperry) February 21, 2009
Justin Bieber
Check out my single "ONE TIME" on my myspace and spread the word for me. Thanks www.myspace.com/justinbieber
— Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) May 12, 2009
Taylor Swift
I love! RT@justinbieber I posted it!!! My response VIDEO to @taylorswift13 with an EXCLUSIVE SONG from my album...ENJOY http://bit.ly/561XU
— Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13) October 25, 2008
Oprah Winfrey
— Oprah Winfrey (@Oprah) April 17, 2009
Fine...you got me.
— Drizzy (@Drake) March 28, 2009
Ricky Gervais
Just seeing how this works. I'm hosting the Golden Globes on January 17th - they want me to do a running commentary on Twitter...
— Ricky Gervais (@rickygervais) December 14, 2009
John McCain
I am working in my office on Capitol Hill today.
— John McCain (@SenJohnMcCain) January 23, 2009
Barack Obama
Thinking we're only one signature away from ending the war in Iraq. Learn more at http://www.barackobama.com
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) April 29, 2007
Kobe Bryant (A little late)
The antisocial has become social #mambatweets
— Kobe Bryant (@kobebryant) January 4, 2013