Miley Cyrus and Britney Spears are the latest celebrities who took the time to give to children less fortunate.

Despite Miley Cyrus’ ongoing controversy, the singer helped make Lulu Martinez’s dream come true by inviting her backstage after a Bangerz concert, according to E! News. The young girl is battling leukemia for the second time.

"(I was) screaming, (couldn't) breathe, (saying), 'Is this actually happening?' It was memorable. It was nice,” Martinez said.

She later told Fox 9 News, she wanted to meet the pop princess because, "she's not scared to be herself."

According to, pop star Britney Spears visited the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles on Tuesday, March 11. The singer joined a group of children during their art therapy session and later made hospital rounds to talk to the children who were too ill to attend the drawing class.

The good deed would have gone unnoticed if it weren’t for the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, who later tweeted, "Art therapy w/ @britneyspears was a blast. Thanks for visiting, Britney!"

The singers drawing included things that reminded her of family, including a "photo showing happy children to represent her two boys and a butterfly."

It’s great to see these A-listers put their status to good use.

Photo courtesy of ABC