Scarlett Johansson stepped out for the first time on the red carpet since news of her pregnancy went public. She did her best to conceal the tiny baby bump while posing for pictures at the L.A. premiere of Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

While neither Johansson nor her fiancé, Romain Dauriac, have confirmed the pregnancy, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige confirmed it when talking about how it will affect the shooting schedule for Avengers: Age of Ultron.

He told Collider, “Well my first reaction was I was very happy for her and very excited for her, and my second reaction was we’ve gotta move some pieces on the chess board around schedule-wise.”

He added, “But we didn’t change the script at all, which is sort of the most important things for us in terms of the storyline. I think the goal is for us to sit here talking about the fact that you would never know that Black Widow was pregnant during the filming of the movie when you see the final version of Avengers 2.”

Johansson spoke to Access Hollywood about wedding plans, saying there are absolutely none.

“Oh, I don’t plan anything. I’m terrible at planning,” she said. “Yeah, I’m not gonna plan anything – I like to wing it!”

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