Esteemed actress Sheila MacRae died Thursday night at the age of 92 at the Lilian Booth Actors Home in New Jersey.
The Associated Press reports that the performer’s death came abruptly after a minor surgery, and that overall she was quite healthy despite bouts of dementia. Her death was reported by granddaughter Allison Mullavey on Friday.
Mullavey added, "She lived a good life and a long life. We'll miss her.”
According to The Hollywood Reporter, MacRae is best remembered for her role as Alice Kramden in the 1960s TV series The Honeymooners, a recreation of 1950s version originally starring Audrey Meadows. She was the last survivor of the The Jackie Gleason Show which aired on CBS from 1966-1970. Actress and daughter Heather MacRae comments, “My mother referred to herself as the last Mrs. Kamden.”
Besides television, MacRae was an acclaimed singer, dancer, and stage performer. She and her first husband Gordon MacRae performed on The Ed Sullivan Show the same night as The Beatles in in 1964.
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