In preparation for Girls creator Lena Dunham’s Saturday Night Live hosting gig this weekend, she appears in a series of promos with alongside cast member Kate McKinnon.

They danced around in celebration after they pointed out there’s "two young feminists in the house,” and seemed enthused to be working together.

For the last take, McKinnon appears topless and confronts Dunham on not joining her in being partially nude with her, like they had discussed. . "I changed my mind,” said Dunham, telling McKinnon she should “probably stop at the shirt store” before her speaking engagement at a high school later that day. notes earlier on in the promo, McKinnon tells Dunham how badly she wants to be on Girls, saying she’d love to have a part where she just follows Hannah around.

"What if I was just a person who killed Hannah and then lived as her?" said McKinnon, to which Dunham replied, "OK, I want this promo to end now.”
Dunham will host SNL this Saturday, March 8 with musical guests The National.

image courtesy of NBC