Many believed that Episode III: Revenge of the Sith would be the end to an epic two trilogies. But when Disney bought Lucasfilm for $4 billion in 2012, there was a mixture of excitement and fear in the air. Could Disney offer the same action packed movies as George Lucas?

The Star Wars franchise has so much opportunity ahead. With Disney’s numerous successful films in recent years, including Marvel’s The Avengers, a 2012 film, which grossed $1.51 billion worldwide. With the right actors, the movies could easily skyrocket in the box office.

“Girls” actor Adam Driver has been reportedly set to play the villain of Episode VII. Driver definitely has a long list of experience to back up his ability to take on a movie which such high expectations.

“Breaking Bad’s” Jesse Plemons is one of just a few rumored to be up for the part of Luke Skywalker’s son, is will reportedly be the lead of the movie. I believe Plemons may be the best choice on the list because he has proven himself to be a very diverse actor. He makes himself relatable, but shows his diversity from “Friday Night Lights” to “Breaking Bad.”

“Downtown Abbey’s” Ed Speleers, however, is also a big name up for the part.

Saoirse Ronan confirmed last month that she had auditioned for a part in the newest Star Wars film, however stated in a later interview that she did not get the part. Actor Michael B. Jordan also confirmed that he had auditioned for the movie, no word yet on whether or not he’s in.

To take a blast to the past: Rumor also has it that the three original stars (Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford) have also been approached about returning to the jedi scene. While there have been no confirmations from the actors, Disney or Lucasfilms, Hamill and Fisher have reportedly been seen hitting the gym a little more frequently.

If the original cast returns, there is no doubt in my mind that the film will be amazing. What could be better than the originals? Either way, my opinion on the movies themselves have yet to be seen, but this Star Wars fanatic can tell you that she will be in a tent waiting in line for the midnight premier.

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