The host of ABC's The Bachelor, Chris Harrison, admitted that he isn't sure that having a gay Bachelor would work for the show, choosing to claim the problem is a business-related one.

In an interview with The New York Times, Harrison was asked about Juan Pablo's controversial comments regarding gays. While claiming he is all for gay equality, he said, "The question is: Is it a good business decision?"

He put forth an example of a long-time pizza shop suddenly deciding to make hamburgers. "I have a great business model, and I don't know if hamburgers are going to sell." He also added, "Is our job to break barriers, or is it a business? That's not for me to answer."

Though he wasn't sure about a gay Bachelor, Harrison was less so when asked if a "chubby guy" would be brought on the show to look for love. The TV host answered with a no, claiming that because TV is a "visual medium," a chubby guy wouldn't be "attractive."

On Monday night's Bachelor special The Women Tell All, Pablo was slammed for his comments, with one former contestant, Kelly Travis, saying his comments were hurtful to hear since she has a gay parent.

Pablo claimed to have gay friends in an attempt to defend himself and noted that they were telling him his quotes about gays being more "pervert in a sense" were taken "out of context."

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