Living rooms fill up with families, immediate and extend, to watch the Academy Awards, and people bet on who will win an Oscar in the top categories; Best Actor and Actress, Best Supporting Actor and Actress, Best Song, among others, and of course, the mother of the Oscars, Best Picture. There are entire issues of weekly magazine publications and websites built around the odds of each of the nominees winning, and after studying them meticulously, you mark your box on the homemade ballot, and hope for the best. But just like in any other environment of a contest or competition, there can always be that outlier, that dark horse, that can ruin your chance to win, that will frustrate and haunt you every year after, or may just have you scratching your head in laughter; yes, the “upset.”
Throughout the Academy Awards' 86 years, there have been many upsets, with people yelling at the TV, “Are you kidding me?” and some you may not have even realized, because they are classic movies or performances, who lost. Here we relive that frustration and head scratching as we look at the Top 10 biggest Oscar upsets.