Facebook took the world by storm, and pretty much killed MySpace dead in the water after it enabled everyone to join, not just snotty college students. Now, virtually everyone has a Facebook page and although some may think it isn’t “cool” because your grandma now posts on all your status updates, celebrities still have the most followers and fans out of any other social media platform, many in the latter half of the tens of millions and a few even nearing the one hundred million mark. Allowing the ease to post your Twitter and Instagram updates on your Facebook wall, celebrities have taken full advantage of this generating more updates, candid pictures and their 140 character quirkiness.

Facebook just celebrated its tenth anniversary, and on the prestigious decade-mark we are taking a look at the top 10 celebrities you need to follow. The list takes into consideration a number of attributes and is compiled of fan pages with the most followers, funniest posts, most interactive, and most frequently updated. Let’s get “liking”!

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