At the 86th Academy Awards on Sunday, Disney’s most recent animated film Frozen picked up two shiny, gold Oscars for Best Song and Best Animated Film. The film won the Oscar for its hit song, “Let It Go.” The song has been circulating over the media waves and has become a world wide phenomenon. As the voice of Princess Elsa in the film, famous Broadway star, Idina Menzel sang the beautiful song during the Oscars. “Let it Go” has become a nationwide sensation on Youtube as well. One viral video of the song features it being sung in 25 languages and has over 13 million likes.
Other than being one of the most successful movies of the year, Frozen differed somewhat from a lot of its other Disney counterparts because all of the songs were written and composed by Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez. Usually when one thinks of famous Disney songs, the name Alan Menken comes to mind, which made Frozen a bit different in terms of its score.
In honor of Frozen’s Oscar win over the weekend, here is a list of some of the top 10 Disney songs.
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