Grey’s Anatomy is back with the fourteenth episode of season 10, and it was a night to remember! As the title suggests, “You Got To Hide Your Love Away” had the surgeons and interns of Sloan Grey Memorial struggling with a brand-new policy: coworkers can’t date. This raised some obvious problems for the staff, as they are each other’s only dating pool. Though tensions ran high as the surgeons tried to figure out who was the cause of the new policy, it was somewhat of a lighter-hearted episode. The residents and surgeons worked together to solve new patient mysteries, while emotions complicated relationships between old flames and reignited existing ones. 10 episodes remain this season, and it could go either way for the staff at Sloan Grey –will this season end in tragedy, or with a happy finale?
Check out our top 10 moments from "You Got To Hide Your Love Away"
And for more on our Grey's Anatomy coverage including show news, recaps and top ten lists check these stories out!

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10. Storage room awkwardness
Remember when everyone was hooking up in the on-call room? Grey’s gave us a flashback to those moments when Jo and Alex disappear into the storage room for a quick chat and stumble upon Jackson and April, sans shirts. The moment only gets better when it’s interrupted by Dr. Webber. As the past chief he’s seen it all, but the expression on his face speaks volumes. “Are they having some kind of weird foursome?” he’s probably wondering, and with a shake of his head he closes the door. Alex and Jo exit quickly afterwards, but Jackson and April continue their fun.

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9. Crazy dumpster-diver
This week’s weird patient was a young woman whose leg had been torn to shreds when she jumped into a trash chute after throwing her purse down. The woman didn’t really care about her leg and spent most of her screen time begging her best friend to contact her older, married boyfriend. Anyone else in her position couldn’t care less about their cheating man when surgeons are literally pulling trash out of their legs, but that’s the beauty of the patients on Grey’s Anatomy -- they don’t always make sense. At the end of the episode, she hits on Jackson in front of April, prompting Jackson to explain that he has weekend plans with his wife. The patient turns to April and says, “He really should wear a ring. It’s not fair, going around looking like that without one.” April, sly fox that she is, replies, “I totally agree.”

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8. The Ring
Yay for Callie and Arizona! Life just keeps getting better for the two of them, and this episode has Callie presenting Arizona with a gorgeous sapphire ring as a housewarming present. She even got the date they moved in inscribed on the band. It’s nice to finally see the relationship between the two brilliant ladies working out, after seasons of infidelity and pent-up aggression over an amputated leg.

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7. Ben
Last week’s episode showed Ben struggling a little to fit in with the younger residents in the surgical program, but this week he reaches a social milestone when the group invites him out for a drink. The surprise and joy is evident on his face when the residents ask him out, just as he’s leaving the building with his wife. Bailey sends him off with a kiss of approval, and it’s a sweet and tender moment all around. Hopefully Ben and the residents will continue to be good friends.

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6. April & Jackson
The reveal is here! We learned last week that April and Jackson got married after she left paramedic Matthew at the altar, but the surgeons at Sloan Grey still had no idea that the two were even on speaking terms. At a board meeting, Jackson and April reveal to the stunned panel that they are man and wife. They get smiles and congratulations, and even Cristina is impressed: “Kepner, you continue to surprise me,” she says. Sorry Cristina, but she’s April Avery now, not April Kepner!

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5. The Residents
The residents are forced to work together this week when Dr. Webber presents them with a tough challenge: a patient has a rare condition, and what can they do to save her? The team initially struggles to work together, thanks to high tensions from Leah’s complaint to HR, but they are whipped into shape by Ross: “This job is a privilege, and a gift, and we are squandering it.” They eventually find a plausible course of treatment for the patient, but are informed by Webber that she passed away during surgery. It’s not all for nothing though, as it’s later revealed that the patient’s sister suffers from the same genetic mutation.

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4. Meredith & Cristina
This episode has Meredith and Cristina having a good old fashioned bonding session over a bottle of wine, in which Meredith reveals that she’s enjoying her sex strike against Derek, and Cristina shows that she’s still not okay with Owen’s new relationship. It’s a flashback moment to the earliest seasons of Grey’s , when the surgeons were still interns and frequently got drunk together. The girl-time is especially great because it shows that the twisted sisters finally have their friendship back on track.

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3. Owen & Cristina
Ah, Owen and Cristina. In some ways they’re the worst possible couple. Cristina is all about her career, and Owen wants a wife and children. After their divorce and breakup, the two have been struggling to redefine who and what they are to each other. Owen has recently started dating sweet surgeon Emma, and reveals to his coworkers that the two are planning on moving in together. A drunk Cristina brings a bottle of wine to Owen’s house to celebrate, and they end up sleeping together. She’s not over him, and he’s still not over her…he even breaks up with Emma later in the episode. Not sure if they should get back together or not, but it’s nice to see Cristina happy with Owen again, if only for a moment.

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2. Alex and Jo
Firecracker couple Alex and Jo have a tense, emotional breakup scene in front of the whole hospital, spurred on by the new anti-dating protocol the hospital has embraced. It’s awkward and upsetting to see them fight in front of everyone. Jo runs down the stairs with tears streaming down her face, only to whip out her phone and call Alex, congratulating him on a convincing performance. What? It’s revealed that the two faked the whole thing to get around the new policy. Pretty smart!

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1. McDreamy
Early in the episode, Derek comes home very depressed from a canceled interview with Washington. He thinks his shiny new Presidential project is over, and viewers can’t help but feel bad for the superstar surgeon. But wait! The end of the episode has Derek jubilant when it’s revealed that the White House doesn’t just want him working on the project – they want him to run it. What will it mean for Meredith and Derek’s Seattle life? Only time will tell.

Photo: ABC