On last Monday's Teen Wolf episode, "The Fox and the Wolf," we finally get to learn the origins of the big bad nogitsune. Although not all questions were answered, we still got a little something. If you remember from last week’s episode where Stiles and Malia find a photo in the dead soldier's pocket, we find out the photo revealed a woman and a man from 1943, and the woman looked exactly like Kira.

Now when Kira confronts her parents about information regarding her powers and the picture, this is where all the answers start coming in. The Yukimuras know ALL! Through a series of flashbacks to 1943, we are taken into a Japanese internment camp in Oak Creek where we learn how and who the original nogitsune came to be. And can we just say creator Jeff Davis surely knows how to connect the dots?

This episode was a real information overload, not just with teen wolf information but historical details as well. To help you get prepared for tonight’s all-new episode we narrowed down the top 10 moments and questions from the episode "The Fox and the Wolf."

10. Where is everyone else?

We just have to ask: where were Lydia and the twins in all of this? They all worked so nicely together in last week’s episode that we thought they’d be in on the plans this week.

Where is Malia? She left Eichen House in search of Scott, so where is she after she gave Scott the picture?

Speaking of missing people, Peter has been missing in action lately. After finding out he was more than just an uncle Peter kind of dropped off the radar, the question is what’s he been up to? Hopefully his storyline we learn a little more about soon!

9. Allison’s failing e-con.

In the race to find Stiles, Allison and Sheriff Stilinski head to the hospital. He praises Allison for being brave and strong through all of this supernatural stuff.

But as all the pressure from what’s going on in Beacon Hills gets to Allison, she breaks down and Papa Stilinski is there to help her pick up the pieces. She admits she’s always scared and doesn’t know half the time what she’s doing. It was a beautiful moment between the two, and it just goes to show everyone’s in a little bit over their heads.

8. Kira’s mom – No big deal or anything, Noshiko is just about 900 years old.

The photograph that Scott and Kira get from Eichen House is actually a picture of Kira’s mom – Noshiko circa 1943. She appears to be with an army medic named Reese. And this is the beginning of how we learn about the origins of nogitsune and also this is how we learn that Noshiko is just about 900 hundred years old. For being that old, she looks pretty darn good. But it’s okay, Kira; your dad is only 43, so there’s that.

7. A new supernatural fighting team has emerged.

Now we have Allison, Chris Argent, Derek, and Sheriff Stilinski all joining forces to go out looking for Stiles. This is a little bit of a weird group dynamic but hey, it's Teen Wolf -- expect the weird.

When putting all their brains together, they are one smart group. They figured out they need to out how to trick the fox.

“It wants a joke. All we need is to come up with a new punch line.” – Sheriff Stilinski

6. Kira’s got a new power.

Kira is a thunder kitsune, which makes sense since she can absorb all that electricity without so much as a flinch. With her new power, she was able to put together the broken katana (the sword they found in Eichen House) with the simple swipe of her hand.

5. Stiles plays chess?

As Stilinski, Chris, Derek and Allison get back to Stiles’s room, they find a chessboard with everyone’s name attached to a chess piece. The sheriff explained that Stiles used this board to explain to him everyone’s relation to each other.

If we take a closer look at the chessboard, we find that Stiles considers Derek to be the king – meaning he is heavily guarded piece, but can only move one space at a time. In that time – in one move—Derek can be checkmated.

We also saw that Isaac's name was attached to a pawn. In chess, pawns are seen as expendable. As we saw, Isaac’s pawn piece was entirely off the board. Can Isaac be the unexpected death of this season? Questions, questions!

4. A fox and a wolf can never be together – but they make great allies.

As Noshiko kept on repeating to Kira and Scott throughout the whole episode – a fox and wolf can never be together – Mr. Yukimura pointed out that they do, however, make good allies to have on your side.

It’s going to be interesting to see if Scott and Kira can make it work for them.

3. “Isn’t it obvious? It came from me.”

The big bad nogitsune came from the summoning of powers from Noshiko. To punish everyone for what was going on during the time in the Japanese internment camp in Oak Creek, she called upon ancestry powers to give her the ability to do onto these people what they did to her.

But in true trickster spirit, the power came in the form of the nogitsune possessing her deceased boyfriend's body, and he wasn’t stopping until he got his revenge like Noshiko had wanted.

2. What’s up with the nemeton?

After defeating the nogitsune the first time with the help of the katana and Satomi (the secret werewolf lady in the camp), Noshiko was able to stop the killing nogitsune and de-possess it.

To help keep the nogitsune at bay, she buried the fly at the base of nemeton tree, where she thought that it would never be unleashed again.

Unfortunately, since Scott and his pack last season awakened the power of the nemeton, that is what unleashed the nogitsune into Beacon Hills again.

1. There has to be a way to stop the Nogetsune without killing it

As the tale of Noshiko defeating the Nogitsune is being told, Scott and Kira realize she also had the help of a werewolf to defeat it. That makes them question history repeating itself with the nogitsune.

In true "bromance" fashion, Scott wants to do it in a way that doesn’t kill Stiles. Scott sees this as an opportunity to change history and prevent it from repeating itself.

In tonight’s episode, we are going to see the trickster spirit and the plans he has for everyone in Beacon Hills.

Photo courtesy of MTV