Twisted is completely off the rails at this point. I hate every second that angry Danny is on the screen. Lacey’s sudden lesbian curiosity is completely out of left field. Jo and Danny’s solid friendship is being ruined. And does anybody really care what happens to Tess?

It is time to pull the plug on the show. Cancel Twisted and put it out of its misery. It isn’t just stuck in a rough spot anymore. There is no way to get out of the mess that is the plot. It is just bad.

I am actually happy that there is only one episode left of the season. My patience has completely run out for Twisted. I have dreaded watching every single episode since the show returned. How could there be such a deep decline after a few months?

One thing Twisted is great at, like most ABC Family shows, is having great loose ends. Who killed Regina? Will Danny get caught for killing his father? Who moved the body?

No matter how frustrated I am with Twisted, I still need to know what is going to happen. Then, when they tie those loose ends, it is always messy or disappointing. And I’m referring to more than just the disastrous reveal of Regina’s killer.

That reveal of Tess’s baby’s death was intense. It was sad. But then Twisted had to ruin it by putting an unneeded twist in. The baby that died maybe wasn’t Tess’s baby. Seriously? A solid story line was completely set up but they had to ruin it.

And all of this Charlie drama was the tipping point of my disappointment in Twisted. The introduction of the character is what threw the show off the handle. Charlie set Jack up for Vikram’s murder because he has been in love with Jo since he saw a picture of her? It’s just bad writing. He beat himself up to make Jo turn on Danny? Then his cover was blown in two episodes? Come on.

This week’s episode, ‘Danny Interrupted,’ is what completely drove me away. While I can normally focus on the show, I hated this one so much that I looked at my watch every ten seconds, waiting for the episode to end. I was looking forward to not having to watch it anymore. That’s not good.

The worst thing that has happened to Twisted is destroying the friendship between Danny, Lacey and Jo. Danny loves Lacey. Lacey thinks Danny loves Jo. Jo loved Danny. Now, Danny and Jo love each other? Can’t anyone just be friends?

And where’s Rico? Wasn’t there some Jo/Rico romance being hinted at? Rico has been completely forgotten. It seems that Rico’s screen time has been replaced with new girl Whitney.

The quality has decreased significantly while the quantity of stories is just getting higher and higher. The writers have given each character a detailed storyline that they simply glance over. And even those stories are implausible and inexcusably annoying.

There is nothing Twisted can do to clean it up. The only thing that works is to cancel the show. ABC Family cancelled Ravenswood and it was so much better than Twisted.

I wish that I didn't have to write this. The show had so much promise. The actors are great. But, there is nothing to do but end it. If they drag it on, then 'Twisted' will go from a show that could be good to a show that is overstaying its welcome.

Are you done with Twisted or do you like all of the recent developments?