To mark its eight anniversary on Friday, Twitter unveiled a tool that allowed users to uncover their very first tweet.

CNN reported that to use the new tool users type their Twitter handles into the search field and their first-ever tweet will appear.

Amateur tweets of other users can be found with the tool as well.

Computer World noted that Gabriel Stricker, the social networking site’s vice president of communications, wrote about the new feature in her blog post.

"Millions of prolific tweeters have made Twitter an exciting, fun and powerful place to connect with others," she wrote. "But each of you had to start somewhere: Today we're taking a look at some choice first Tweets -- first Tweets that sparked a conversation, used imagery to tell a story, or revealed unfiltered self expression."

The micro-blogging site’s co-founder, Jack Dorsey’s first tweet on this day eight years ago read, "just setting up my twtttr [sic]."

Some celebrity first tweets include Victoria Beckham wishing her followers “love and light.”

Model Cara Delevingne declaring “I have finally sold my soul and joined twitter! Haha.”

Comedian Jerry Seinfeld tweeting “Greetings Tweetarians! I have just landed on your Planet. This could be my last Tweet.”

Kylie Jenner stating, “Hi Twitter!!! I finally Tweet!!”

And even Pope Francis getting in on the Twitter action after becoming Pontiff with his first tweet that read, "Dear friends, I thank you from my heart and I ask you to continue to pray for me."

Happy Birthday Twitter and many more!