Tyler the Creator was arrested at the airport by police on Saturday as they claimed he incited a riot during his performance at SXSW on Thursday.

Tyler was originally set to perform on Wednesday but was delayed because of the suspected drunk driver who plowed into the festival and killed two people and hurt 23 others.

According to TMZ, who first reported the news, police released a recording of his concert where he tells people they should break down the barricades.

The arrest warrant that was put out for the controversial rapper said that a bartender spoke with the police and said he was punched as he attempted to help a woman as she almost got trampled.

The Associated Press reports that the 23-year-old actually tried to get fans to force themselves past barricades twice.

It's not the first Tyler has "incited" crowds, as he allegedly "incited violence" at a Boston comic book store in 2011 where fans got out of control. That incident and others actually lead Tyler and the other members of the Odd Future music group from being denied a visa for a concert in New Zealand earlier this year.

If found guilty, inciting a riot is considered a misdemeanor meaning Tyler could spend up to a year in jail and get slapped with a $4,000 fine.

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