The animated comedy series, The Boondocks, has returned for its fourth and final season.
According to The Huffington Post, The Boondocks centers on the cranky, sometimes difficult, Robert “Granddad” Freeman who has moved his family from the inner city of Chicago to the “boondocks” of the suburbs. The series feature the voices of John Witherspoon, and Cedric Yarbrough, and Regina King.
The actors have said that they will miss the show. “The people who loved The Boondocks should still look forward to it," said King, who provides the voices of both Huey and Riley, according to the LA Times, "It's a satire, dark comedy, and the show still remains in that spirit."
The series is created by Aaron McGruder, who won an Image Award in 2011 for outstanding writing in a comedy series for the episode called “The Fund-Raiser.” McGruder has been called a “brilliant artist.” The show creator has been protective of The Boondocks, but the last season was produced without him, "when a mutually agreeable production schedule could not be reached."
The Boondocks airs on Mondays at 10:30 p.m.